Saturday, October 24, 2009

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online.

1 - The number of people, often total strangers, that want to know who you are what you up to and where you are going.
2 - That total strangers pay attention and take time to respond.
3 - All the things you have to say, even though the urge to speak is not always related to having something to say.
4 - The friendships that grow while people miles away.
5 - The friendships you recover from long, long ago.
6 - The stalkers that emerge, bizarre individuals who have nothing better to do.
7 - How much people have in common and still they cant get along and how little they are willing to compromise.
8 - How brave people become – how smart ass!
9 - How much personal information people are willing to offer.
10 - How much time people make available to doing nothing in particular or constructive.

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